Thursday, July 31, 2008

Photoshop Plugins "Flatting and MultiFill" for digital and Comic Artists

+ Flatting and MultiFill are two free Photoshop Plugins developed by Software Developer Boudewijn Pelt. These Plugins are very handy for comic artists who ink & color their pages in Photoshop. In the production of comics a special trapping method, called "Flatting" is used. The colored area's are butted against each other under the line art. The MultiFill and Flatten Plug-In's assist in "Flatting" and can save a lot of time. A short nicely explained tutorial is also available on the site explaining the process of "Flatting". Both the Photoshop Plugins are available for free download and compatible with Photoshop 6.0 or later. Plugins are available for both Macintosh or Windows platforms.